Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Relative Pronouns

Rumus Kalimat Menggunakan (Who, Whose, Whom, Which) sebagai berikut:

1. Subject (manusia) + Who + Kata Kerja
    Subject (manusia) + Whose + Kata Benda
    Subject (manusia) + Whom + Manusia

2. Subject (Benda) + Which + Kata Kerja, Kata Benda, Manusia
    The boy who help me is my friend.
    The girl whose shirt is green, she is my sister.
    The beautiful lady whom we saw in the café is an artist.
    The computer which bought last week is our new product.

    Contoh Soal:
    The boy …. a motorcycle was stolen yesterday looked very sad.
    a. Who             c. Whom
    b. Whose         d. Which
    Jawab: B

Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini, perhatikan susunan kalimatnya. Subject-nya The boy (manusia), kemudian setelah titik-titik a motorcycle (kata benda), berarti jawaban yang tepat sesuai rumus adalah Whose.

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